
Featured Projects

Case Studies

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

Emergency Response Team (ERT) Report Collection System - AMD wanted to convert its ERT report collection from an inefficient VAX mail system to a web-based form system. The system we developed allows for expanded reporting and administration capabilities, data retention of submitted forms and email notifications as appropriate. We created an administration screen to edit certain variable fields within the form as well as an email notification mechanism to send email to specified EHS personnel when a report is submitted. For this system, the input of reporting information is via a public (to AMD staff) web form, while the reporting and administration functions have controlled access.

Dynamic Testing System - AMD selected ii, inc. to replace the static tests it had in use on all of its web-based training courses for its employees with dynamic tests in which different questions were presented each time a test page is called. The questions are now drawn randomly from a pool of questions and are presented in random order, so that the test is different each time it is administered. We created a database to store the questions, answers and correct answers, and the Active Server Pages and scripts necessary to administer, grade and record the test results. In addition, we created the system so that it could be easily updated and maintained by AMD staff.

Weather Stations - AMD relies on accurate and up-to-date information on weather changes in order to comply with environmental safety standards. We created a database and data archive strategy to collect data from pre-existing weather station software for dynamic display on the web. Information includes current temperature, wind direction and velocity, and humidity as well as the ability to specify time ranges and data points. Our system is for use in an emergency situation because it creates an email notification if certain readings exceed certain thresholds. This enables employees in AMD's Sunnyvale, CA and Austin, TX facilities to respond to the weather conditions in a timely and efficient manner, and in compliance with environmental safety standards.

Mile High Comics - America's Largest Comics Dealer

Internet Store - We developed an integrated online store of more than 140,000 items to bring together, in a central location, the four sales divisions of Mile High Comics: back issues, subscriptions, trade items and auctions. Our work enables disparate data sources to be searched with ease and allows customers to place a single order for all types of items or create a list of out-of-stock items they are seeking and receive email notifications when the items become available. Mile High Comics now updates their inventory listing on a twice-daily basis compared with the previous quarterly printed updates. In addition, subscription data now reaches their customers one week earlier than it did before the system was in place. This system decreased staff time, improved the reliability of available inventory data, and made the updating process more efficient. We migrated the site to an SQL database as it grew, using persistent Perl/CGI scripts to achieve better performance and increase functionality. All of this was accomplished while keeping with the client's desire for their distinct look and feel and current workflow and navigation requirements.

LBJ School of Public Affairs at UT Austin
We proposed and implemented a secure, password-protected system to allow school alumni to search an alumni database. This system has several benefits to the client, including replacing the previous costly print publication, mailed out annually to more than 2,000 alumni, increasing the reliability and currency of information in the database and allowing alumni to update their own records via an email form. The online system also allows alumni to search the database by a variety of factors. For example: an alumnus relocating to a new area can search not only for those alumni in the same city or state, but also for those with similar areas of policy expertise and years since graduation.

Gerber Baby Food

We developed the backend for the main Gerber Web site, including all customer registrations, dynamic pages and product databases. For this site, we developed a unique feature called My Gerber. My Gerber allows a parent or other caregiver to log on as a registered user, and then provides the parent with personalized information from the site based upon the baby's age.

Online Travel Group

We have worked with the Online Travel Group for several years now, beginning with the construction of their initial site solely of hotels in France. Over the years, we have expanded the site to include hotels from around the world, and expanded the project from a single site specializing in French Hotels to over a dozen sites that now allow users to automatically check the availability of hotels and make reservations online. Part of the system interfaces with reservations systems using XML to provide the most current availability and pricing information.

The Coca-Cola Company

We redesigned the administrative tool that Coca-Cola was using to coordinate the release of their public relations materials. At the time, they had difficulty coordinating the internal release of sensitive information stored in a local database with the external release of PR materials available to the public. We created the web tools they needed to effectively manage and coordinate the release of this information.

Our Internet-based solutions help clients save money, expand their audience, increase revenues and manage large databases.

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